What Is Hybrid Cloud — Everything You Should Know About Hybrid Cloud Security

CloudCodes Software
3 min readSep 10, 2021


What Is Hybrid Cloud?

When enterprises need to have the best of the work environment, they go in for a system that combines public cloud, private cloud, and single-tenant (on-premise) dedicated environments; and this concept is called the hybrid cloud. This logical middle ground helps enterprises strike the perfect balance between on-premises and cloud storage. Some of the services existing in these environments are bound together but remain unique entities. This system offers the benefits of multiple deployment models, and this integrated cloud service performs a distinct function within the same organization.

About Hybrid Cloud Storage

It is about the management of storage, which uses both the local and off-site resources. It helps most firms supplement their internal storage with their public cloud storage.

Understanding Hybrid Cloud Security

When there is data flowing between the multiple cloud service platforms, then enterprises have to make sure that the data moving between the two clouds is protected. They need to ensure that the sensitive data is not transferred to a less secure storage system in a public cloud from the acquiescent database on a private cloud.

Hybrid Cloud Hosting

In a hybrid cloud environment, a minimum of one private cloud (internal cloud) and one public cloud (external cloud) is present. Hybrid cloud hosting allows enterprises to provide dedicated storage servers and shared storage servers on the same network.

The Current Scenario

Cloud technology offers the best solutions for better business practices like instant collaboration and robust data management. It is why enterprises are gradually moving their increasing data portions to the cloud. Many businesses prefer the hybrid cloud model, wherein some of the data reside in the cloud, and the rest of the data resides on-premise.

How To Secure The Data In A Hybrid Cloud Model?

The reasons why enterprises prefer to keep some of their data on-premise are varied and many. One of the central ideas is data security and compliance regulation that requires strict data residency decisions. The other reason is the robust security solutions that the on-premise apps offer, making the enterprises reluctant to turn to cloud technology to fear cyber-attacks and security threats.

Also, there is the cost of investment issues, and enterprises would want to take full advantage of their paid and designed on-premise application. In a hybrid model, it is ineffective if enterprises go in for separate security solutions for the two environments. It will hamper the significant correlations and behavior patterns that exist between the two; private and public settings.

But obviously, there is a perceived gap between the two entities when seen from a data management and security standpoint due to the separation of data. Cloud Access Security Brokers with their CASB solutions help most corporate entities to fill in this gap and provide adequate data security to the hybrid cloud environment.

Security For Hybrid Cloud Environment Through CASB Solutions

The environment varies from an individual private on-premise or public cloud environment, and hence its security needs also change. It requires a full, unified approach across both the entities. The best way is to leverage the strengths of the individual objects by effectively integrating the features of the best-in-class CASB solutions with their high-end security modules.

CASB solutions for cloud security can be included with on-premise security, thereby enhancing the cloud environment. The already existing CASB security infrastructure can be converted to a cyber security hub for the hybrid cloud model. The extensible CASB solutions help enterprises detect suspicious incidents due to their ability to correlate security events across the public and private platforms. Thus, reducing the data risks that would otherwise pose a grave danger to the enterprise.



CloudCodes Software

CloudCodes is a cloud security solution provider founded in 2011. We focus on providing cloud security solutions to enterprise customers through its SSO.