Need for Data Security For Telecom Industry — Secure Your Telecom Industry Data With CloudCodes Access Control

CloudCodes Software
3 min readAug 19, 2021


Data Security For Telecom Industry

Communication, the sole survival criterion of the modern digital world, is effectively provided by the telecom industries, and it is their services, which help us to keep in touch with millions of people all around the globe. But the data in the global telecom services is always at risk and is increasingly fraught with cyber attacks. Hence, it becomes pertinent that the telecom services rely on robust data security solutions for up-to-date cloud security solutions, right enterprise security tools. Data security for the telecom industry helps to detect, analyze, and respond to threats and proficiently trained personnel to monitor any anomalies in the cloud or on-premises data constantly.

Telecommunication industries require the handling of varied types of protocols like the VoIP, SS7, etc. and these are vulnerable to hackers who target the telecom industry. In the past, it was easy for hackers to break the security cordon and get access to confidential data with sophisticated tools and knowledge. But now, telecom operators increasingly depend on cloud services for their work processes.

It has added to the improved efficiency in business and helped them to store and distribute more content; thus, they can roll out new services to the customers. But, with the increased dependency on cloud services comes the onus of securing cloud data. It is of great concern when a survey says that only 60% of the telecom industries have a secure data loss prevention strategy for cloud computing.

Need For Data Security In The Telecom Industry

The main cyber risk is Shadow IT, wherein, the resources and applications are used without the approval or knowledge of the IT department. Also, the hackers target one in millions of clients and purchase their services utilizing the telecom company. Customers will naturally begin to expect strong data security from the telecom carriers, and it is the responsibility of the companies to be more proactive in protecting and support it with a range of technical and operational security throughout the entire internet value chain. The desire for greater cloud security will indeed be a boon for the telecom industry if they embrace the need.

Case Study Of A Telecom Company

A telecom company based in Asia that designs, builds, and manages smart data networks for various telecoms across the globe, has deployed G Suite for its professional management. But they soon realized that this solely was not able to safeguard the critical data in the cloud-based network. The data was freely available to everyone on their own devices, and this put a considerable amount of data at a security risk. They wanted the users to use their internal intranet portal instead of accessing their mailboxes from their networks. This challenge in cloud security was easily handled by implementing CloudCodes for the G Suite solution.

Problems With G Suite

When the telecom company initially implemented G Suite, it started facing unseen problems throughout its varied departments. The issue was that the users had direct access to their accounts without any imposed restrictions.

CloudCodes For G Suite (gControl) As A Solution

When looking for an effective CASB solution for solving their current data security problem, the company introduced the cloud security solution in the form of CloudCodes for G Suite and conducted multiple trials through an array of use cases across managed and unmanaged devices. Access Control with IP restriction, Identity Management features with smooth password policy implementation, and some other Value Add-On solutions were implemented from the CloudCodes customized CASB solution. It provided the firm with real-time data protection, thus amplifying enterprise security on their office cloud network.



CloudCodes Software

CloudCodes is a cloud security solution provider founded in 2011. We focus on providing cloud security solutions to enterprise customers through its SSO.