Cloud Security Protocols — To Be Adopted For Safe Cloud Usage

CloudCodes Software
4 min readSep 8, 2021


Cloud Security Protocols

Here are the top four Cloud Security Protocols to be adopted by IT teams for safe cloud usage, which most business houses are not doing currently:

1. Fathom Your Cloud Service Provider undertakes the Shared Cloud Security Responsibility:

Most firms have not seen the responsibilities of cloud data security protocols being undertaken by their cloud provider before finally entering into any such agreement with them. It is known as the model of shared responsibility, and it is visible in most cloud providers’ advertisements, thus seeming quite straightforward. Still, most firms are confused about this aspect. The initiation in this regard must be done by understanding this shared-security model existing between companies and their cloud service providers. Cloud providers would secure the cloud, but companies have to ensure what is there on their cloud.

2. Determine the Quantity of Business Relying on Cloud and Its Security Risks:

Even if any firm is not officially sanctioning any of the cloud-based services, its employees, company partners, users, customers, and suppliers must be using those for sure. Around thirty-three percent of all business, data is already there on the cloud, which is beyond the control of any organizational entity to curtail its use, as cloud presence is so omnipresent and must in today’s work scenarios. While any business transitions to the cloud, their management must understand the risks and their company’s level of risk tolerance, and only focus upon mitigating those risks.

Some firms also had a hard time while believing that cloud-based native malware can exist within their cloud environment in the current cloud security approach, but discovered their cloud data storage service inept at securing their data on the cloud. After running a CASB solution that uses APIs for granular control over cloud usage, many of their customers get surprised about how much sensitive data is shared publicly over the cloud and how they take steps for this control and governance. All-in-all, the primary requirement that rests with companies is superior and adept cloud security protocols, which can be rendered by an efficient CASB vendor, CloudCodes!

3. Consider DLP Measures and Must Teach Users about Keeping the Data Safe:

A company’s DLP solution protects the data while the employees of that organization go to the cloud, irrespective of the place where they are accessing cloud data. Many firms know the importance of confidential data for their organization, as it includes their intellectual property, source codes, and also personally identifiable info, to list a few of them.

Still, the lack of visibility towards user data access leads to the sharing of data within sanctioned apps and unsanctioned apps, thus exposing that data to risks. There are no such rules to handle that data or implement any policies for making sure the information is not mishandled. Also, most firms do not teach their users/employees about keeping their company’s data secure and safe. Deploying a CASB solution with advanced Data Loss Prevention (DLP) capabilities can well cover such organizational requirements and do much more than this.

4. Determine the Scalability of Company’s Cloud Data Security Protocols and Enterprise Security Approach:

Companies need to ensure that their cloud security protocols, tools, procedures, and enterprise security practices would scale up for future growth. A question that companies need to ponder is whether they can extend their security policies and controls for one cloud-based service to all other cloud-based services in their work environment, both the sanctioned and the unsanctioned ones too. Business owners must carefully examine all the cloud security tools used in cloud networks to understand how they are expanded.

Also, one must consider how many cloud-based services can be covered by one single policy. While thinking of Cloud Access Security Broker solutions, one must think beyond the SaaS apps that are in use. Also, it is imperative to know the number of sanctioned SaaS applications that would be rolling out over the forthcoming few years. Also about adding controls for those unsanctioned apps, which are providing real value to the business.

Also, consideration must be given to secure IaaS & PaaS. As more and more apps, as well as the company’s infrastructure, are moving to the cloud, the companies that view CASB as their leading cloud security platform, would have a smoother transition to the cloud. We, at CloudCodes, take pride in being a great vendor providing best-in-class CASB solutions.



CloudCodes Software

CloudCodes is a cloud security solution provider founded in 2011. We focus on providing cloud security solutions to enterprise customers through its SSO.