Cloud Computing Security Methods — Upgrade To New Security Techniques

CloudCodes Software
3 min readOct 6, 2021

The need for cloud computing security methods has changed drastically in the past decade. But the point is that many enterprises are still stuck with outdated versions and hence are vulnerable to security threats. The businesses even approach and deal with essential matters like passwords and security questions is a primary example of the security approaches from an outdated version. Risks have changed now, and there is a paradigm shift in the security technologies that have to be incorporated to keep in tandem with the newfound cybersecurity threats.

With a changing technology landscape, organizations have more powerful authority to delegate strong password policies to every individual. Hence, there is no need to rely on the older security techniques in cloud computing like the date of birth, mother’s maiden name, which seems to be obsolete now in the changing times. Text messages, emails, and messaging apps have taken over the security challenges, but very few enterprises have shifted their approaches. The main problem lies in the lack of knowledge regarding the consequences of data breaches that may take place and their after-effects for the enterprises.

Cloud Computing Security Methods

Cloud computing security methods and accountability can be increased by imparting quality education about its necessity and implementation. Indeed, the legislation has a vital role to play, but the issuing of fines for non-compliance with security regulations has had little effect. Compliance is taken very seriously now. EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) fines up to €20m or 4% of the annual turnover, and this should act as a deterrent for the companies to sincerely take their security issues. Organizations cannot come up with the excuse of increased expenditure or the lack of return on investment.

There should be increased awareness and education on cybersecurity for the people who build the IT infrastructure. Organizations should know that it is wiser to invest in imparting the right knowledge about security to their staff rather than cough up the hefty security breach fines in cases of any such problems encountered of data leakages at later stages.

Cloud Data Security Linked to Data Maximization

Enterprises have full control over the data that they collect and retain. Herein lies the problem of data maximization. Enterprises tend to keep even unnecessary data over more extended periods, leading to the aggravation of security leaks. Organizations hoard data thinking that they might be useful later if at all things go wrong. But the basic principle is that you don’t lose what you don’t have. So, the sensible thing for all the enterprises would be to retain data that is essential and let go of the rest. Because when any data breach occurs, the enterprises need to know the processes of dealing with it and putting things in place.

About CASB Solutions

Using Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) solutions is a cost-effective way of increasing cloud data security. When employees are trained to use it effectively, the data remains safe and secure. The plus thing about educating the folks on cybersecurity is that it pays off in the long run. The employees apply the knowledge gained by the training across multiple projects. The most sensible and fundamental thing would be to educate people about CASB solutions related to cybersecurity issues in their job roles. It helps fix defects and is cheaper here than to fix it after a breach has taken place. Education is needed in the data collection and retention aspect. CASB solutions should be effectively implemented across the enterprise, and the employees should be trained for their practical use.

Originally published at on October 6, 2021.



CloudCodes Software

CloudCodes is a cloud security solution provider founded in 2011. We focus on providing cloud security solutions to enterprise customers through its SSO.